It is Fuel Poverty Awareness Day this month and we are calling on local people and businesses to get involved, highlight the injustice and fight for change.

Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, set to take place on Wednesday, 27th November 2024, has been organised by National Energy Action – a fuel poverty charity that works to eradicate fuel poverty and campaigns for greater investment in energy efficiency to help those who are poor or vulnerable gain affordable heat.

Sarah Hayle, Chief Executive of Community Law Service – our award-winning charity which helps people access welfare benefits, manage and move out of debt, save energy, stay in and also heat their homes – is urging organisations to get behind this national initiative.

“More than 6 million UK households can not afford to keep warm, safe and healthy,” said Sarah. “Nobody should be expected to live in a home that worsens their physical and mental health. In 2020 it was estimated that around 12 per cent of west Northamptonshire households were living in fuel poverty and almost 13 per cent for the north. Energy bills remain impossibly high and there is less government support to help the
most vulnerable this winter. Households are forced to choose between staying warm or falling into further debt. This is a national crisis so we must come together to fight for change.”

Fuel Poverty Awareness Day will focus on the fact that fuel poverty affects millions of people from all different demographics – young people, older people, those with disabilities, carers and more. Key messages from this year’s campaign will include:

• Energy prices are still 50% higher than pre-crisis levels, with cold homes linked to an increased risk of developing respiratory and cardiovasculahealth conditions, as well as poor mental health and unintentional injury.
• Over £3.7 billion is owed to suppliers. Householders already in debt cannot escape this without a Help to Repay scheme.
• Everyone has to pay the standing charge even if they don’t use any energy. This disproportionately affects low-income users.
• Disabled people’s energy bills are often higher than average because they may be unable to work or may have to spend additional time at home.
• Carers face significant challenges in paying energy bills because they may not be able to work full time and they may need to keep their homes warmer for the person they care for.
• Lone parents and homes with a child under five are often more likely to be in fuel poverty.

It is Fuel Poverty Awareness Day on Wednesday, 27th November 2024. Follow National Energy Action on their various social media channels to get involved. You can also follow Community Law Service on Facebook and X (@CommunityLawNN) and pledge your support using the #fuelpovertyactionday hashtag.

In 2023-24 Community Law Service energy advice projects provided a range of support to 1,425 Northamptonshire households and helped achieve energy savings of over £62,759.

If you live in Northamptonshire and would like to find out more about how Community Law Service can help visit: