Energy and Fuel Poverty Advice

What help can we offer you?

Our Energy and Fuel Poverty Advice Services are provided across Northamptonshire thanks to funding from West Northamptonshire Council, North Northamptonshire Council and The British Gas Energy Trust. The aim is to help reduce fuel poverty in Northamptonshire through the provision of a range of support which helps households to better afford their energy bills and keep their homes warmer. This Service is targeted at low income households and people experiencing physical and mental health problems.

Support includes:

  • Welfare Benefit advice and income maximisation
  • Debt and Money advice
  • Referrals for Priority Services Register
  • Energy efficiency advice
  • Tariff checks and switching
  • Casework to resolve billing problems
  • Provision of energy saving devices
  • Referrals for funding for larger home measures such as boiler replacements (subject to availability)
  • Referrals for Home Energy Assessments

Appointments with our specialist advisors are available at our offices in Northampton and Wellingborough. We may also be able to visit you in your home if you are housebound.


Geographical areas that we cover

Thanks to multiple sources of funding, we are able to provide our energy advice services across Northamptonshire, although the exact services will vary due to the requirements of different funders.

Our Energy
Advice Service
is Free,
and Confidential

How can you access this service?

An organisation that is already supporting you can make a referral .

Or you can visit our offices, email or call 01604 621038. 


For more information see:

Financial Health and Wellbeing Service 

We also offer an Energy Advice Drop-In Session at:

One Stop Shop, The Guildhall, St Giles Square Northampton. NN1 1DE

Tuesday 10.00am – 12.00pm


In 2023-24 our energy advice projects provided a range of support to 1425 households and helped them achieve energy savings of over £62,759.

“At nearly 80 I feel the cold a lot more so I can now keep warmer and the help I have had has stopped my health getting worse.”

Case Study

Mr W is an owner occupier living with his partner, Ms C.  He had a stroke several years ago, and has a long history of anxiety and depression.  In November 2019 he was admitted to hospital with acute pain and has since been diagnosed with cancer. He is bed bound and has carers visit daily. He receives Employment and Support Allowance and Personal Independence Payment and the standard rate of daily living – this award is ending. Ms C claims Carers Allowance. The couple are Eon customers and had recently changed energy tariff.

Ms C contacted us after seeing an article in a local magazine about Northamptonshire Energy Saving Service.  Their boiler had been condemned and they had no money to replace it.  Mr W is very poorly and having no heating or hot water was extremely detrimental to his health, and the carers had expressed concern about the lack of hot water to wash Mr W.

Actions Taken:

  • An application was made to Eon’s ECO scheme to see if the boiler could be replaced through this route
  • Personal Independence Payment was applied for based on Mr W’s current health situation
  • Mr W was placed on Eon’s Priority Service Register
  • An application for the Warm Home Discount was made


  • Eon agreed to fund a replacement boiler – however this incurred an additional charge to the client of £457 which they could not fund
  • Consideration was given for a payment from the NESS Emergency Fund. A decision was made that the application met the NESS criteria and a grant was awarded and paid directly to Eon for £457
  • The adviser worked closely with Eon to get the boiler installation done quickly due to the urgent situation and it was installed 5 weeks after the client first contacted NESS
  • Personal Independence Payment was awarded at the enhanced rate of both components £148.85 a week
  • The Warm Home Discount was awarded £140


For general enquires, please contact us on:

West Northamptonshire

01604 621038



Northampton,  Daventry,Towcester, Brackley

and surrounding areas


North Northamptonshire

01933 313020

  Wellingborough, Kettering, Corby, East Northamptonshire and surrounding area