Advice Sessions

About Your Visit

Please note registration for drop in sessions begins 10 minutes before the start of the session time. Due to the popularity of these sessions it is recommended that you arrive at this time. Each interview lasts 10 minutes and you may be referred for a further booked appointment if necessary. For Housing and Immigration session appointments you must contact us before visiting and be given an allocated time slot

Northampton Advice Session

One Stop Shop, The Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE

Immigration Advice (Appointments only)

Monday 10.00 am – 12noon

Please note we provide free initial advice (of up to 15 mins) at our Immigration Session, thereafter if you require further advice , casework or representation we provide a not for profit fee charging service.

See Immigration Advice Service and our Fee Charging Structure for more details


Welfare Benefits Advice (drop in) including

Energy Saving Advice (including help to maximise Benefit income and help with fuel debt)

Tuesday 10am – 12 noon
See Welfare Benefit Advice Services for more details about our various Projects that include advice about Welfare Benefits.

See Energy Saving Services for more details about the range of support we provide


Debt Advice (drop in)

Wednesday 10.00 am – 12noon

See Debt Advice Service for more details

Housing Advice   (Appointments Only)

Thursday 11am -12 noon

Wellingborough Advice Sessions

123 Midland Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 1LU

Telephone Opening Hours

01933 313020

Monday – Friday 10.00am – 1.00pm

We are currently only able to offer Appointment sessions and don’t run drop in sessions.


If you require an appointment, please ring the number above during our opening hours.











For general enquires, please contact us on:

West Northamptonshire

01604 621038



Northampton,  Daventry,Towcester, Brackley

and surrounding areas


North Northamptonshire

01933 313020

  Wellingborough, Kettering, Corby, East Northamptonshire and surrounding area