Community Law Service Becomes Accredited Real Living Wage Employer
Posted 18th June 2024
Community Law Service Becomes Accredited Real Living Wage Employer
Community Law Service has, for 2 years now, paid all employees at least the real living wage. However, to cement the Board of Trustee’s commitment to staff, the Organisation decided to gain accreditation from The Real Living Wage Foundation. This not only means that employees of Community Law Service receive this level of pay as a minimum, but also the employees with whom Community Law Service contracts, such as office cleaners. Community Law Service exists to support people who are often experiencing financial hardship and struggling to afford basic living expenses, it is only right that all staff are paid at least the real living wage, a wage that exceeds the Government set minimum. Chief Executive, Sarah Hayle, said “This is a positive step for the Organisation, showing staff and the wider community that we are committed to looking after our employees and that they are very much valued”.

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